50 Strategies for Communicating and Working With Diverse Families

50 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Families

50 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Families


50 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Families, tertiary edition past Janet Gonzalez-Mena is unique in its practical approach to improving educational activity skills of early babyhood educators by offer the most practical strategies for partnering with families to back up, enhance, and maximize the quality of care and teaching of young children. Information technology presents a plethora of ideas for creating the trust necessary for true collaboration between families and the early on childhood professional, and guides on how to develop useful programs that include all families and individuals. Extensively revised, it reflects the most current themes, trends research and ideas in the field today, making it the most multifariousness-centered text on the market for courses covering diversity and the relationships between teachers and families in early childhood education classrooms and centers.
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Product details

  • Paperback | 176 pages
  • 100 10 100 x 100mm | 100g
  • Pearson Education (US)
  • Pearson
  • Usa
  • English
  • 3rd edition
  • 0133090272
  • 9780133090277
  • 1,613,746

Back cover copy

50 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Familiesoffers early childhood educators a unique and truly diverse perspective with the nigh practical strategies for partnering with families to support, enhance, and maximize the quality of intendance and education of young children. With a plethora of ideas for creating the trust necessary for true collaboration between families and the early childhood professional person, the author guides readers on how to develop useful programs that include all families and individuals. Extensively revised, it reflects the most electric current themes, trends, enquiry and ideas in the field today, making it the most diverseness-centered text on the market for courses covering diversity and the relationships between teachers and families in early on childhood education classrooms and centers.

Notable updates to this edition include:

- Greater attending to diverseness in every chapter

- Expanded descriptions of the many different types of families readers will likely work with, including war machine families and grandparents raising their grandchildren

- Current information on the growing influence all types of media have on immature children-even infants and toddler

- Added attention to the influence of economical hardship on children and families, as more families now live in poverty

- Changes and additions in What Teachers Can Do sections

- Many new stories, examples, and vignettes that apply the data to real life

- More on self-reflection, habitation visits, and transitions

- Revisions to most of the chapters reflect the most current themes, trends, research, and ideas in the field today.

Also from Janet Gonzalez-Mena:

0132657147 - Child, Family, and Customs: Family unit-Centered Early Intendance and Education, 6/eastward - (c)2013
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Table of contents

Section 1: Welcoming Everybody
Chapter 1: Appreciating All Kinds of Families
Chapter ii: Working with Immigrant Families
Chapter 3: Including Families of Children with Special Needs
Chapter 4: Creating an Antibias Surround
Chapter 5: Respecting All Families, Including Those with Same-Sex Parents
Section ii: Partnerships with Families
Affiliate 6: Building Partnerships
Chapter 7: Removing Barriers to Partnerships
Chapter eight: Minimizing Contest with Parents
Affiliate 9: Supporting Attachments
Chapter x: Considering Authority
Chapter 11: Focusing on Family unit Strengths
Affiliate 12: Helping Parents to Be Advocates for Their Children
Affiliate 13: Encouraging Parents to Become Advocates for All Children
Chapter 14: Creating a Sense of Community
Section 3: Honoring and Working with Diversity
Affiliate 15: Understanding and Affectionate Cultural Differences
Chapter 16: Establishing Culturally Responsive Education and Intendance
Chapter 17: Working with Conflicts Around Pedagogy and Care Practices
Chapter eighteen: Considering Cultural Differences in Guidance and Discipline
Chapter xix: Working with Families Effectually What You Believe Are Harmful Practices
Affiliate twenty: Thinking about Differing Ideas Related to How Children Acquire
Affiliate 21: Managing Conflicts
Department 4: Family Participation and Education
Chapter 22: Considering Family Participation
Chapter 23: Including Families in the Classroom or Middle
Chapter 24: Focusing on Fathers and Grandfathers
Affiliate 25: Taking a Transformative Approach to Parent Education
Chapter 26: Working With Families Around Holiday Issues
Chapter 27: Exploring P
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Near Janet Gonzalez-Mena

Janet Gonzalez-Mena is Retired Faculty in Kid and Family Studies, Napa Valley College, Napa California, where for 15 years she was on the total-time faculty until her retirement in 1998. Not only has she taught in the California community higher arrangement for 36 years, but likewise Gonzalez-Mena'southward career includes being a preschool instructor in a bilingual program, kid intendance managing director, and coordinator of a airplane pilot program of therapeutic child care for abused and neglected children. A prolific author, her textbook achievements include: Child, Family unit, and Customs, 6th ed. (Pearson, 2013); Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers, 9th ed. (McGraw-Colina, 2012); Foundations of Early Childhood Teaching: Education Children in a Diverse Society, 6th ed., (McGraw-Colina, forthcoming); and Diversity in Early Intendance and Education: Honoring Differences, 4th ed. (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2008). Janet also co-authored Nuts of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Infants and Toddlers (National Association for Education of Young Children, 2011). Currently self-employed every bit a consultant in early care and teaching, she also finds the time to write for Immature Children and Exchange, and occasionally for publications in Canada and New Zealand.
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Source: https://www.bookdepository.com/50-Strategies-for-Communicating-Working-with-Diverse-Families-Janet-Gonzalez-Mena/9780133090277

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